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Saturday, Sept. 22, 2012
8:06 a.m.
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How have we fast forwarded two weeks and I'm still on the lesson from last time? God dammit growth is slow these days and I fucking loathe it.

Hopefully the learning curve will steepen soon. I just applied for another job in the field that pays way better, so there will be lots of growth there. Fingers crossed.

Meanwhile, Lysander is the first one who doesn't shy from the crazy. The first one that I think will stick around if I let him. I hope I can let this one stay; he's the only one since the best friend that's really protected me. He's quiet, but unafraid of confrontation when it needs to happen, and thrice now he's come to my rescue because I'm a twenty four year old child.

For my birthday two days ago, my favorite clients made me birthday pancakes. "It's perfect because she doesn't like cake," the mom said, and her daughter chimed in. "It's perfect because having birthday pancakes is silly. Having pancakes for lunch is silly, too. Just like teacher."

I am lucky and I have people who love me and I would do well to remember that.

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