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Friday, Feb. 15, 2013
8:12 a.m.
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Counting Blessings ] >>

Last week I heard through the grapevine that the mother of my twin babygirl, one of the babies I lost when I put on my adult pants and switched jobs, she said, "You can't take away [other instructor]. We've already lost Amanda and that's the greatest loss [my babygirl]'s team has ever suffered."

Another family I left is upset I wasn't able to say goodbye.

The mother of the high-functioning jerk I teach now is about to lose me, too. She and my bosses were on a phone call about it when the mother declared, "You're not taking Amanda. That's all there is to it." Then she hung up on my boss.

My boyfriend made me a valentine's day card by hand. I guess his work had crafting materials out and he thought I would like it. He was right. I liked it so much I cried, because I'm gay like that.

Sorry that you have to put up with my record of being loved, everyone, but I need to make sure I remember the wonderful things in my life and stay grateful for them.

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