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Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2013
5:51 a.m.
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Thursday is doomsday, the day I find out that trespassing is NBD, bro, and "forty" hours of community service later everything's dismissed like shit never happened. Like neither transgression ever happened. Two rounds, now, I've flirted with a permanent record and emerged unscathed, but I guess that's how far white privilege and a show of tears will get you. Not that I'm ungrateful. You won't catch me making the same mistake again, don't worry, Universe. I'll find a different reason to get arrested next time.

Speaking of the community service, ended up actually on the community service grounds for a mere twenty hours, and actually doing sixteen hours of real community service. We got in contact with the local park and spent our actual hours picking up trash or raking leaves, but the rest of the time was breaks, smoke breaks, lunch breaks, talking to the supervisor about supervisor drama breaks, and driving between parks.

Not speaking of this at all, but whatever fuck you it's my diary, I sent an email to that family that was upset I never said goodbye. I heard through another grapevine that they were hurt I never said goodbye because "I thought we were close" and "[the kiddo I taught] really misses her--he asks about her." They sent an email back thanking me for my time with him, forgiving me for not saying goodbye and saying it was probably for the best because of the ethical constraints. I feel a lot better now that there's a little closure. I know my contract stipulates that I nix contact, but I feel like in so many of these cases, it's more unethical to sever the connection so abruptly. Let's try for the lesser of two evils.

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