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Thursday, Feb. 28, 2013
7:16 p.m.
<< [
Being Difficult ] >>

I'm telling you now the way I told my clinical manager the way I told my boyfriend: difficult parents don't bother me, not anymore. I used to groan and roll my eyes at difficult parents, because how dare you interrupt my work to fuck it all up, but I'm telling you now, the way I told clinical manager the way I told boyfriend: I fucking get it. I fucking get it because that's your fucking kid, and short of midwifing the birth myself, I can't think of anything more personal, more intimate than spending ten hours a week in your home telling you how to raise your child.

"If a parent wants to be difficult," I said, "fuck yeah. That's their prerogative. I'm going to be difficult with my kid because guess what? That's my fucking kid."

Difficult parents don't bother me because it means they love their children fiercely, defensively, the way I do. The way I will. Difficulty doesn't need to be a point of contention because just like these parents, I am difficult, and just like these parents, I do it out of love.

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