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Saturday, Sept. 21, 2013
1:35 p.m.
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All Growed Up ] >>

I turned twenty-five yesterday. Officially an adult in the eyes of the law. It was amazing, possibly the best birthday I've ever had, minus a small detail. I felt like everyone I love came together and put in effort, so much effort, to surprise me and make me happy. I have no idea what I did to earn it but I've learned not to question good things.

Daddy was in a motorcycle accident last night. Nothing major, just hurt his shoulder, but I showed up at my parents' expecting birthday dinner and got "Dad was an in accident." Daddy feels so terrible, he called me crying and apologizing for fucking up my birthday. He said last night he thinks that's the end of his motorcycle career. Instead of "the universe maybe almost killed my dad on my birthday, thanks a lot asshole" I'm attempting to think "the universe taught dad the best lesson ever on my fucking birthday because it knew that would make the lesson all the more salient."

Welcome to adulthood.

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