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Monday, Apr. 13, 2015
8:40 a.m.
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The grief comes in selfish waves. I peel the narcissistic layers back one by one: there's the part where he's dead and death is never okay, really. Then the part where I wanted him to meet our first child; the kid that would have been his grandchild. Then the part where I don't really have a right to be upset because he was "only" my boyfriend's step-father. Then the part where this means we are now financially responsible for boyfriend's mother. Then the part where I mourn the loss of a financial safety net, and then the part where I feel like an asshole for thinking about that at all.

Then the part where I realize everything is about me all the time. No matter how old I get, I'll always be that five year old girl, terrified and self-absorbed.

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