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Sunday, Dec. 20, 2015
2:03 a.m.
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The Happiest Place on Earth ] >>

Hot boss curls up on my shoulder, red wine in hand. She says, "Here," hands me her glass, and leaps off the bed to answer a phone call from her fiancé. Then she performs a forward tumble onto her (our) bed, turns to me, and says, "Let's take a picture of us making out so [fiancé] will be jealous".

As I often do these days, I make decisions with my most opinionated bodily organ, which is not my most well-informed bodily organ. I say, "Sure." My almost-fiancé's phone is flooded with pictures of Hot Boss and I in bed, Hot Boss and I hugging, Hot Boss and I kissing.

"I'm so glad you could all come with me on our family vacation to Disneyland," I say, and smile wider than I ever thought I could.

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