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Sunday, Sept. 11, 2016
4:03 p.m.
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"The Only Winning Move is Not to Play" ] >>

Broken Glass Boy: Redux messaged me yesterday. Sent me a song to listen to, like when we were kids. He sends a song, I respond with a song, he responds with a song, and so on so forth until I remember this is a terrible idea and stop.

I tried explaining it all to Lysander, but this is one of the parts of my life he will never really understand. Lysander is amazing--fierce and brave and loyal and completely devoted to me, but I feel the same way that God must feel when he looks down on his followers: "that's very kind, but you don't have a fucking clue what you're following."

Broken Glass Boy: Redux knows exactly what he's getting into, and that is part of why he runs away. It hurts to be run from, but I crave those moments of mutual comprehension I'll never have with Lysander.

The conclusion I always come to is that he can't run away from me if I run away first.

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