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Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2007
1:00 a.m.
<< [
You Are Welcome ] >>

I called him after class to find out he and the girlfriend had broken up. I told him I'd be at his house in twenty minutes; it takes twenty five to get from here to there.

When I got there fifteen minutes later, they'd already worked things out, and he sat on the passenger's side laughing and smiling oranges at me. At a red light, he pulled me into a hug.

"Thank you."
"Ouch, get off! What for?"
"For coming."
"Well, I said I would."
"No, I mean, the way you came out of nowhere like that. When I was upset. Thanks."

Here's where I could have said, "I do this a lot," or, "Just like last time," or something else dry and biting and unnecessary.

"You're welcome."

I am doubled over the steering wheel, still laughing at his orange smiles, when I say, "We are always driving."

He stops smiling and says, "We have some of our best moments in cars."

I stop and think. Senior year orientation with everyone singing together, or the summer before when we were stopped by cops for driving too fast, or last week when we wrestled and he split my lip.

I nod. He nods.

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