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Thursday, Nov. 03, 2005
11:54 p.m.
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This is That Kind of Town ] >>

There is a moment standing out in the rain, gentle sprinkles everywhere and I'm standing with two people I don't know, our bodies pressed together against the "elements". The spotlights are on and reflecting against the rain so you can see each droplet as it falls, and I think maybe this is what happiness is like. Maybe I could feel like this forever, I think.

I try to call him on the way home. Eleven thirty-four, the clock reads, and he doesn't pick up. They never do.

Happiness and I just aren't on good terms right now.

I went to see The Laramie Project today. The only other friend of mine who adores theater as I do was helping out a local community college, was acting in it, and gave me two free tickets. I grabbed the nearest person and invited him.

You can't even really call this living anymore.

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