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Monday, Dec. 05, 2005
8:56 p.m.
<< [
Who Will Save You Now? ] >>

A girl I know is sleeping with a teacher. My only real friend in the world was going to take the fall for it, was going to get expelled by said girl and teacher for knowing.

So I went to the authorities.

I told myself it was the right thing to do, that I was protecting people, but I am not sure anymore. This feels more and more like I was trying to play hero. This feels more and more like failure.

I don't want this anymore, are you listening?! I don't want to have to do the right thing! I don't want to save the world because it's all bullshit anyways! Why fix anything if humanity is only going to fuck it up again? That girl is not going to stop sleeping around, and that teacher is not going to stop sleeping around, and nothing is different! Nothing has changed! Nobody wins!

I fucking lost everybody that loves me by doing the right thing, do you understand that?

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