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Saturday, Jan. 28, 2006
11:30 p.m.
<< [
Disappearing Act ] >>

I drove to the one bearable spot in town, the top of the hill near the community college, and sat by myself with my music in the background. I stepped outside the car and stared at the city, blurry far away and sharp where it was nearer. The streetlights looked like they were pouring water because they lit up the rain drops as they flew past.

A car drove up with two people sitting in it. Teenagers about to make out, and I am disgusted, repulsed that they would taint my favorite spot with their lust.

I drove to the only other bearable spot in town only to find that there were so many cars lined up that the headlights overpowered the view. I pulled over to the side of the road and cut cut cut, and drove back with blood running down, spilling onto my pants, seeping into my jacket.

No one called and I sat alone in a park, listening to sad music. The tears didn't come until later.

I'm drunk and I just want somebody to love me. When I tried to explain this to my friend, he left.

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