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Sunday, May. 07, 2006
10:59 a.m.
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My Name is Simon, and I like to do Drawrings ] >>

Time for another art display.

Some guys playing with cardboard boxes. Ink on paper.

A close-up of the only couch I finished shading. Acrylics on paper.

All the couches, unfinished as of right now. This is the painting I was talking about a few entries ago; the couches my best friend and I talked about, inspired by Interpol. Acrylics on paper.

Some girl, done in pencil. Unfinished. And I got the angle sort of weird when I took the picture... whoops.

Close up of the house on the hill silhouette study. Acrylics on canvas.

Wide view of the house on the hill study. Still acrylics on canvas. There's actually a bit more sky/hill to the sides, but I couldn't get it all in the frame.

I Can Fly. Some creature holding open his skin to reveal the organs inside. Ink on paper. Done mostly for the shock value. It's also the background picture on my friend's phone.

Close up of the previous picture. Ink on paper.

Nosebleed. Pencil on paper.

Doodle done yesterday when I was upset. An octopus making a heart with his tentacles. Ink on paper.

Another doodle done at the same time. An octopus skateboarding. Ink on paper.

A while back I was reading about the Ramsey kidnapping, and someone described the child that was kidnapped as a "sexualized painted baby". That phrase really stuck with me, so I drew a painted, sexualized baby. It didn't come out quite like I wanted, though, so I might re-do it. Ink on paper.

Close-up of Painted Baby. Still ink on paper.

A doodle done a few months ago. Some creature swallowing lots of pills. Ink on paper.

A drawing I did of Pinocchio holding a butcher's knife, done mostly for the hell of it. I'd been thinking about Pinocchio and butcher's knives so it seemed reasonable to put them together, even though I know that whole Disney characters gone bad thing is overdone. Ink on paper.

Close-up of Pinocchio.

I think that's it.

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