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Friday, Jul. 14, 2006
12:15 a.m.
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Illusions ] >>

Back when I was small, when I was young and my parents still believed in me, my dad used to tell me, "Argue for your limitations and sure enough, they're yours."

This is back when I was six, seven. I didn't know what the fuck "limitations" even meant.

He used to tell me over and over again, even though most of the time I had to ask what it meant because I didn't ever remember. Not exactly.

I would know this quote backwards in my sleep. I will forget my name before I forget that quote.

It's a bit past midnight and I'm reading a book a friend has lent me when there, in the middle of the page.

"Argue for your limitations and sure enough, they're yours."

What a trippy feeling.

I'll ask him about it tomorrow.

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