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Tuesday, Jul. 18, 2006
12:13 a.m.
<< [
Tastes Like Extortion ] >>

A friend and I drive around several miles from our homes; this is my attempt to cheer her up. We run around in empty parking lots and explore the outside of an old building. Behind us we can hear coyotes howling.

If humanity was lint, Wal-Mart would be a fiber brush, or maybe one of those Swiffer things, but I've never used a Swiffer thing so I wouldn't know. Maybe it's a moot analogy. Either way, that's where we end up.

In the lingerie aisles, I fold up a lacy red bra and shove it into my pocket. When we're around pedestrians, I roll down the window and hold it up. I call this almost-flashing. When we stick to highways, I press it up against windows and hope to god someone will do a double take.

No one does.

Fuck you, Wal-Mart.

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