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Monday, Jul. 31, 2006
4:28 p.m.
<< [
Serenity Home ] >>

We've been over the border for maybe an hour, and I've been missing the familiar for two days now, since that's how long this trip has taken.

We stop in to see my mother's mother, the reason for the trip.

She limps out using her walker; she's much smaller than I remember and has to sit down almost immediately. She's smiling and laughing and she can't remember who I am.

Her first grandchild and she doesn't remember my name.

I can't pay much attention to the conversation because it makes me want to cry. I catch bits and pieces. She talks about the home where she stays and the people that take care of her. She talks about the others staying there, people older than her that need more care and she says, "I don't want to be that helpless".

She laughs, it was meant as a joke. We smile politely, I catch my dad's eye, and we know.

The whole trip is downhill from there.

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