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Friday, Sept. 01, 2006
8:09 p.m.
<< [
Imagination ] >>

I think a clear blue sky is lonelier than darkness. In the darkness, things hum and twinkle and rustle. In a clear sky, there's just blue.

It feels like there are little lines coming off of me sometimes, little lines that denote sadness or apathy or whatever my problem is at the moment. Like heat waves you can see over cement at noon, they're invisible until you look the right way.

I don't know how to fill holes, I just know how to rotate what I have until I find a good enough fit.

There is a small purple box on my desk, covered in sparkles and butterflies. On the front it says Imagination. It's a wish box, the sort of thing nine year olds find appealing. You put pennies inside and make wishes. There are four pennies in mine, and they were all the same wish. If I wish for the same thing again, does it override the first wish and go back to the first step? If the universe has already set my wish into motion, am I just undoing the work? Has my wish been almost granted four times?

Now there are five.

I want an alternative.

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