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Sunday, Sept. 24, 2006
11:44 p.m.
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Fair of Face ] >>

It's when I see his new picture that I know it's not going to be one of those! nights. It's going to be one of those nights.

I hiccough and embody every single drunken clich� I can. Fuck, I might as well just draw tiny bubbles above my head.

I am telling you this because there is no one else. Don't ever feel special around me. Think of yourself as less of a friend and more of a replacement. If I were in a relationship, and a male, you would be the other woman.

Just to put things in perspective for you.

In his picture he's suave and dark, the things I never liked about coffee but love about him. As long as we're being honest, though, I love everything about him.

Infatuation or obsession, no one knows.

I hiccough again when I get his voicemail, his voice like the things I do like about coffee, the smoothness and the richness. And his eyes like coffee make me remember him telling me I have pretty eyes a year ago, him telling me I have big eyes a week ago, maybe it wasn't sugar or lies, maybe it was just him.

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