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Saturday, Oct. 13, 2007
5:31 p.m.
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Passing ] >>

Today was the last day of the session at work, so I tell parents whether their kids passed or didn't, and they register for the next session and, if they so choose, they can request that I teach their children again next session.

I walked up to the front desk to fill out my time card and my manager says, "So a lot of people requested you again today," and there is nothing so satisfying as that. To know that not only did my children learn something, but that they want to keep learning from me, that their parents think I am a good influence on their lives somehow.

When I started, I thought it was just a way to earn money; that I'd stick around for a year or two during college and finish my psychology degree, to be a counselor. But if I have already found something I love doing, something I am okay at, then were do I go from here?

Like all good things in my life, it is very difficult, but very fulfilling.

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