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Sunday, Nov. 04, 2007
10:59 p.m.
<< [
Cross My Heart ] >>

I can't feel my heart anymore. Don't take that as some big pseudo-apathetic thing; don't take it like it's been crushed and I can't feel it because I've been broken too many times because that isn't true, it's not true at all. I can't feel it because it left, I must have bled or pissed it out. I know it didn't escape through tears because I don't produce them anymore. That son of a bitch.

Did you know that an average of thirty seven people more than average die at six pm during daylight savings? Sure, we're saving time, but at what cost?

I feel like even if there were a tragedy, even then it wouldn't phase me. I'd shrug and walk on, maybe have a cigarette and a drink (or nine), and my heart would push it all through my body. Just the pure alcohol, because my body doesn't even bother producing blood anymore. What's the point? There's oxygen in alcohol, right?

Come six pm, I'm still crossing my fingers.

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