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Tuesday, Nov. 20, 2007
1:00 a.m.
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This is Why We're Still Friends ] >>

So this is back last Thursday when I still have my adult classes. In addition to teaching children how to swim, I teach adults. My last class of the day is these three guys, late twenties, early thirties, who are all friends and live in the same apartment complex.

Last thursday, I'm teaching them to swim freestyle, except they aren't that amazing at it. I imagine that's why they decided to take swim lessons in the first place. So I'm swimming with one of the guys, and he's swimming with these kind of fists, and ends up punching me in the face.

He immediately stops and starts swearing and apologizing, and his friends are at the other side of the pool laughing it up. When we get back to his friends, he's still pretty upset, so I try to explain to him, "Listen, that's not even the worst I've had. I've been kicked in the face; just earlier today I got kicked in the neck."

He keeps apologizing, "Shit, I'm so sorry Amanda! Shit!"

So, of course, I have to console him.

"If it makes you feel any better, you hit like a girl anyway."

He and his friends tracked down my manager after class and told her I'm an amazing teacher.

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