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Sunday, Apr. 06, 2008
9:16 a.m.
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Chain Gang ] >>

My Veil is sleeping in my bed, wrapped inside my layers of blankets and clouds, my white and blue. Anyone else in the world and I swear I'd feel resentful that they got to sleep, in my bed, while I have to be awake and typing. But right now I'm just smiling. All smiles.

Yesterday My Little Rock's parents gave me a thank you card with a sweet note written, another picture of Little Rock, and a gift certificate for a smoothie place. After my class with God's Judge, his parents asked me if I'd be willing to babysit him, and left their contact information with the front desk. Yes and yes and yes! Could things be any better?

We went out to dinner last night and my Veil peered at the ketchup bottle. "What the hell are you doing?" I asked, giggling.


"The ketchup bottle?"


He flipped it around so I could read the quote. "To do a common thing, uncommonly well, brings success."

"I'm thinking that quote's probably one of the most truthful things I've ever read," he says between bites. "And you're proof of that."

"I don't really do anything well."

"You're full of shit," he said. "How many kids want to be in your class but can't because you've already got a schedule full of other kids who have requested you? And now, after today, that's two parents who want you to babysit after knowing you for an incredibly short period of time. You're good at your job."

"You've never seen me do my job."

"I don't need to see you do it, all the evidence is there." And he kept eating.

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