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Tuesday, Apr. 15, 2008
1:25 p.m.
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Social Mobility ] >>

"Amanda, when you're done would you come into the manager's office?"

I'm showering off and it's after my shift. I stop.

"Sure thing. Am I in trouble?"
"No, it's a good thing."

I run through the list of stuff it could be in my head, and quickly cross all of them off. They probably just wanted to tell me I'm doing a good job. I towel off and walk in.

"We want to make you a senior instructor."

I blink, hard. A promotion.

"You're a great teacher and we have some people leaving, so we need more senior instructors. You've been here long enough, and you've grown into your shoes, so now it's time to get you some bigger ones."
"New shoes! I get new shoes!"
"Yep, you get new shoes."
"I love new shoes!"

It'll be a year since I started in two weeks. There are people that have been there three years and never been promoted.

I'm a senior instructor!

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