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Monday, Dec. 15, 2008
5:55 p.m.
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Pure Choice? Just Grace? ] >>

I have trouble with compromise. This is hilarious. At work, I am often talked to for not respecting all the managers. This seems perfectly reasonable to me, since I do not believe respect is something I should give you because you happen to be allowed to order me around. I believe you should have to earn my respect through your actions and your words. If you haven't done that, I do not believe that is my problem.

Judge's fifth birthday was today. Last night we gathered in their tiny kitchen, me, Judge, Judge's mother (Grace) and Judge's father (Choice). Grace asked me to come be in the video with them, their whole tiny family in their tiny kitchen. Mother and father and daughter and son and baby. Baby Just Pure.

I get squooshy inside just thinking about baby on the way. I will read it the Little Prince. I will talk to it about angels and animals. I will teach it that the world is full of good people who are trying to do good things, and that when it doesn't seem like it it's because all the good is hiding, and having to find it makes it more special. I will teach this child about rainbows and breast stroke, and I will teach it how to ride a bike, and I will talk about how I taught its older brother to ride his bike, too.

This baby will know it is loved, forever, no matter what, by me.

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