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Wednesday, Jan. 14, 2009
7:03 p.m.
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It's a boy. A tiny boy with tiny veins, tiny arteries pushing and pulling. She had the amniocentesis done today. It's said to be a safe procedure, but the rate of miscarriage afterwards is one in two hundred. One in two goddamn hundred.

Please let this baby be safe.

Found I'm talking to god more. A ridiculous idea. I always said I hated people who needed god, who needed someone there. I thought I was strong because I didn't. Am I weaker now that I do? It's just such a powerless place to be in, hoping this little baby is okay, hoping he is safe and that there is balance in a world. Right now I need to believe that the world is a benevolent place with a benevolent something running it. I need to think that they won't be punished for being good parents with another autistic child, or worse, a dead one.

I need to think that you wouldn't do that, universe. So please.


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