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Wednesday, Jan. 28, 2009
4:04 p.m.
<< [
Red Light District ] >>

They were running tours at the time. Me, on the phone playing it cool, and there are tours outside. Everything plastic like in a dollhouse, a television that doesn't work, a window big enough for other people to see inside, but too small for me to see out. The whole room white and bright and artificial, I am a ladybug in a shoebox.

A woman stops outside, the officer that patted me down. "Look," she says, and points at me. "In there, she has a phone, and a television, and a window." Children press their faces against the window and flit by. I am in a fishbowl. I am on display.

The last one stops, maybe ten, with a green puffy jacket and a green beanie. An entomologist. He stops and watches my wings flap against the pins. He smiles. I smile.

Heartwarming, terrifying, some strange cross of the two. An ant under a magnifying glass. I burn. I am satisfied.

A horrible warning.

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