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Sunday, Mar. 08, 2009
6:56 a.m.
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Piano Sins ] >>

My father and I had the first good talk we've had in years. He was finally in a place where he was willing to admit he fucked up, and not too drunk. Me neither.

I took piano lessons for a year. You know I never learned how to read music? I didn't understand it, I'd watch the teacher play a song and that's how I would learn. She would play it for me, once or twice, I would watch her fingers and memorize the song. No one figured out that I didn't know how to read music, everyone insisted it was because I wasn't practicing.

I hated piano. I've never played again. I think music would be really fun to get into, but I've never been less motivated to try something.

Dad apologized.

It's okay, dad.

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