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Thursday, Apr. 23, 2009
9:26 a.m.
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Sixisix ] >>

Whole wheat bread. Butter, crumb, repeat.

The boy is looking at losing his job. Office politics, you know, he's not so good at managing them. It's killing him a little.

It's been a challenge for me trying to support without overpowering. I am aggressive and dominant and people who are attracted to me tend to be people looking for the direction I can offer them. I don't say this out of vanity, I think it's a personal flaw of mine and I have been trying to work on it, so I have to work on the balance between how much of the relationship is me and how much is him.

He wants to get another job, and go back to school, but lacks the motivation and self-esteem. I want those things for him, too, but I don't want him to do them because of me.

Make sense?


I've lost six pounds in two days.

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