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Wednesday, Jun. 03, 2009
5:12 p.m.
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Sestina Dos ] >>

He's leaning up against the wall, this is Sunday, God's day. He's too cool for us, too cool for this place, you can see it in his arms, crossed, his hips, thrust forward. He's telling us his name, his school, and something interesting about himself.

"Something interesting about myself... I'm slowly dying of cancer."

Staff meeting of a swim school for children.

Collective gasp-and-turn.

"It was a joke."

Nervous laughter.

I get the freakshow and his defiant hips in my group when we split up to perform skits. Lighthearted, comical, is the idea. We brainstorm, he suggests macabre idea after macabre idea and I tell him all the nice ways I can think of that translate to No.

During the skit, my skit, he jokes that his dog was cut up by his little brother.

Staff meeting.

Small children.

That was God's Day.

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