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Monday, Aug. 10, 2009
4:14 p.m.
<< [
Skippy ] >>

I am too tall and too big and too ugly and no one worthwhile will ever want to spend the rest of their lives with me. I will never have a poet with a big nose. I will never have any poets at all because poets want tiny girls, and I am not a tiny girl. I am motherfucking six feet tall, I am a giantess, except not even a giantess because at least the "ess" sounds graceful. I am a giant, a malformed giant dragging one foot in the night. I am the thing that makes scary sounds in the back of your head all alone. I am not even a person, I am a concept, and I just want someone to fucking put me down on paper. Take me from abstract to concrete. I want someone to fucking solidify me, for once, for fucking once in my life. Someone else do the defining.

I can't do this forever.

If I don't lose ten pounds in the next four hours I am slitting my wrists.

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