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Friday, Feb. 12, 2010
9:15 p.m.
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Shut up, Amanda ] >>

Told the boyfriend I'm spoiled, today. He said, yeah you are, in every way. Every possible way.

We listed.

Job opportunities keep falling into my lap. Another couple from the swim school wants me to babysit their kids.

Yes and yes and yes.

Other things, too, little and big. Run club and the shoes. Parents fighting to have me as their teacher. We have valentines day boxes up at work, so kids can give valentines to their teachers. Guess who has the most? Both in number and in quality?

Yeah. Always.

You'd think I'd be happy, overjoyed, but every success feels like a hollow victory. In my head, I keep turning over The God Issue. God tests those he loves the most. God hurts those he loves the most. It seems silly, to be concerned about the opinion of someone I didn't even believe in for the majority of my life. But here I am. One more father figure to let me down. One more father figure to disappoint.

Leave it to me to spin my good fortune into anything but. Take it as proof that I'm a fucking brat. Because I am. I really, really am.

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