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Monday, Aug. 09, 2010
10:42 a.m.
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Plantomime ] >>

I drove up after showering after work. I have a tree fetish of sorts when it comes to my art, and I am especially fond of old, gnarled, leafless trees that look like they are dead, but they are not. When I tried to describe seeing a particularly charismatic specimen, I bent my arms and fingers over my head in imitation.

"I love that you are pantomiming a tree," he said.
"I love to plantomime!" I said.

We both laughed and did not stop.

We laid awake together through movies and stargazing (we saw a shooting star. No, seriously.) and more movies, and an attempt at sleep around 2:30am that ended in failure.

We kissed, and I asked him what he was thinking. Due to a joke made earlier, I said, "I'm going to ask you that question that you hate," and smiled at him. He said, "I was thinking that you have amazing hips."

And goddammit, I do.

At 5:30am, we went to watch the sunrise, and finally slept at 6:30am wrapped together. We woke up at ten when I stirred, then he stirred.

This next part is corny, but I am learning that I am kind of a corny girl after all, so bear with me here.

He took me to a forest where he goes to sit and think on his own. I looked at trees, and climbed on rocks, and every time I did something cute or novel, he threw his arms around my waist and kissed me. He showed me walls made of stones buried in the ground, and I said it looked like a place fairies live. I said that I am secretly six years old, so I kind of like fairies.

He said, "Me too."

We hiked back to his house and changed back into our pajamas, a mere three hours after shedding them. We laid around and watched a terrible 80's horror film.

I absolutely could not be more smitten.

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