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Wednesday, Oct. 27, 2010
8:14 p.m.
<< [
Connor ] >>

Spent today panicking. Classes, carnival, volunteers I'm losing, the reality of shit is starting to hit me, so when I worked my desk shift I was a ball of nerves.

Paced out to start classes locked in myself. Lists of impossible things I needed to have done yesterday, things that need to be different, things that are happening now, things and things and things, and in the back of my head I registered tiny feet slapping the ground behind me. In the back of my head, I registered a tiny, cool hand finding its way into mine.

A boy. My little boy who always comes Wednesdays, my little boy who sometimes cries, so I take off my shoes and stand in the pool with him. He ran down the hall to find me, and held my big hand in his little one.

Everything will be okay, in the end, as long as I keep doing my best for these children. They will do their best for me, too. The amazing thing about love is no matter how much I give, no matter how much I pour into the people around me, I always get it back amplified. My expectations are always exceeded.

Everything will be okay.

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