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Monday, Dec. 05, 2011
1:53 a.m.
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I feel sore, stretched just beyond by means, but in the most amazing ways. Everything has been soft and fuzzy around the edges lately, unreal, too good to be really happening. My new apartment, the perfect size for me now with my big girl job, my big girl boyfriend, my big girl life. When I think back now, the whole week was clouded. Monday and Tuesday, by fog, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, by booze, last night by lack of sleep.

Intense reunion with best friend, realizing the depths of the goodness I have with the new boy, friend I've known since high school is here for a week, little brother ships off to the Navy in two days.

God damn, what did I do to earn my new one? He listens; apologized the other day for clanging utensils on a glass bowl, and it took me a second to figure out why he was apologizing because I am so used to people not remembering that I hate using real silverware because of the sound it makes when it scrapes things. We were in the kitchen; roommate and I were talking about our mutual fear of spiders when boy revealed, "I usually kill spiders I see and just don't tell Amanda about it 'cause I know she doesn't like them." When we walked into my new big girl bedroom after talking to roomie, I'd left the window open a bit too wide. I entered the room, boy right behind me, stopped in the middle, turned, realized that while the temperature was nice right this very second, the openness of the window meant that the room would get too cold for me pretty quick, and decided to close it, when I saw boy's hand already snicking it shut.

"You closed the window," I said.
"Yeah, I knew it would get too cold for you pretty quick."

This is my new boy.

I took him to the school I know in the rich part of town; the one it's easy to get onto the roof of because of how the wiring is done. Boyfriend is an electrical engineer, and told me while we were up there that he basically walks around on roofs and fixes this shit for a living. He pointed at the valves, the pipes, the lines, explained all of them, and the six-year-old in me did a happy dance.

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