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Thursday, Mar. 01, 2012
11:39 a.m.
<< [
Strengths ] >>

"I know my strengths," I said, giggling and half naked. This is after some bantering about how I am a small, spoiled child and how even though people pretend to be irritated with my "immaturity", it actually draws people to me.

"Yeah you do," he said, smiling. "Some of them, anyway."

"What's that supposed to mean?" and I cross my arms, indignant.

"Nothing," he says with that face that means "something".

"Come on, what is it?" I poke him and pout.

"You have yet to discover some of your strengths, that's all."

And now I'm curious, because that is something no one ever says to me.

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

He takes a hit, looks at me a long moment, then smiles.

"We're not gonna abandon you."

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