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Friday, Jul. 16, 2004
2:03 p.m.
<< [
Breakdown ] >>

You said hello and asked how I was. In your voice, I heard the pain.

The silences ebb and flow, draw themselves out and crash again; crescendo. She's going out with another guy...

I can hear the heartbreak in the static. I am screaming at full volume and my lungs are burning.

She isn't worth it! I'm crying. You deserve so much better than this! You have your whole fucking life ahead of you, please don't let her do this to you!

But I've never been so good at saying what I am feeling, so I say nothing and hope that the blank spaces can convey all of the shades of the emotions I am not expressing.

I wanted to tape you back together with the roll of duct tape I keep in my desk for emergencies; I wanted to explain to you that you're a beautiful person that's just made a few mistakes. I wanted to tell you that I love you, that I have always loved you, and that I will always love you because you are my friend.

All that came out was the interference; the phone expressing its hatred of distances.

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