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Monday, May. 10, 2004
6:31 p.m.
<< [
Your Corner ] >>

And you, sir, the drastically underappreciated. While I am fighting for his love and affection, fighting for her approval, you are waiting calmly for me each morning and I like to believe the order of your day depends on me. I like to believe that when I am not there, it throws you off. This is, of course, entirely selfish and I do not hope that when I am not there you are upset, but it is a comforting thought nonetheless.

While I'm screaming because he doesn't show he loves me enough, you're sitting there patiently in silence because you know that's what I need.

While I'm talking to everybody else about stupid teenage drama crap, you're staring directly into my eyes without hating me for taking the cold, rational approach in our debates.

I'm allowed to be apathetic with you.

And I love you most of all because of it.

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