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Tuesday, Aug. 03, 2004
10:43 p.m.
<< [
My Bad ] >>

It's always the pretty things that break so easily. The glass. The hearts. The flowers. The butterflies.

Bright blue wings trapped under a leather sandal, attatched to a foot with garish red nail polish. A bovine woman with three, four offspring, one in a stroller. The beautiful things break and the ugly things are compelled to spill their disease anywhere they see fit.

I am twelve again and gaping at the butterfly struggling against the sandal, I am twelve again and when I finally muster the courage to convey that she is crushing the most perfect creature I have ever seen, she moves her foot and says, "Oops."


There are a lot of acceptable responses to senselessly destroying beauty, but I do not remember "oops" as being one of them.

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