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Saturday, Aug. 28, 2004
7:38 p.m.
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Sobriety ] >>

It occurs to me, suddenly, that perhaps one of the reasons you never fucking listen to me is because by the time you are sober again, you have forgotten it all. So here it is, one more time, where I hope that you will read it sooner or later.

I understand that you are all alone. You're on the other fucking side of the country with a family that [you believe] hates you and no friends. No her. No me. And I understand that loneliness, I really do. I know what it's like to be isolated from fucking everybody in more ways than one. I know what it's like to have a family that hates your guts and threatens to kick you out. I fucking relate, okay?

What I don't understand or condone is your drinking to deal with it.

I'm in pain, too, and never once have I turned to drugs or alcohol or sex to deal with it. Not fucking once. Because I understand that it's just running away, and that when you sober up the next morning, everything is still there throbbing like your fucking head. You've just put off dealing with it for a couple more hours, that's all.

It's a fucking addiction, do you understand that? Do you understand what fucking alcohol poisoning is? Do you know that it's killing your liver? Your ability to deal with shit in an independant manner?

Fuck. You're my fucking friend, okay? One of a handful of people on this fucking planet that I can talk to. Whose company I enjoy. Who I can actually fucking trust.

What the fuck do you think I am going to do if I lose you, huh?

Truth is darling, I want my friend back. I want the girl that I used to fuck around in science with. Remember when we used to write mean shit about our teacher in chalk under the desks? Remember how we used to make fun of everyone? Do you remember Iceoplex? That night when it was just you and me and your best friend, and I was cold, and you offered me your jacket?

I kind of miss that girl.

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