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Tuesday, Sept. 14, 2004
7:40 p.m.
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Psychology and You ] >>

Some of the most common stressors leading up to suicide are the loss of important people [check], substance abuse, serious conflicts within the family [check], and severe trouble at school or work [check]. For adolescents, especially adolescent girls, attempting suicide can be associated with having few intimate relationships [check], little satisfaction with those relationships [check], and not much social support [check]. Rejection by one's parents [check] and a negative, unpleasant family life [check] are other risk factors for adolescents, as is a history of physical [check] or sexual abuse.

Usually added to these specific problems is the feeling that everything is meaningless and hopeless and that there is no point in trying to make things better
[check, check and check].

-Psychology and You

Bang bang.

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