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Monday, Jul. 12, 2004
6:26 p.m.
<< [
Blasphemy ] >>

Dear God,

Hi. It's me. I know we haven't talked a whole lot lately. This is probably due to the fact that I do not believe you exist. But that's not really important, right? Right.

I was just kind of thinking about things. Near as I can tell, I'm pretty much fucked because I don't have faith in you, or anything else for that matter. This bothers me a little bit. I mean, for a god, don't you think you're being kind of insecure? You're all-powerful [except for that bit about making a rock so strong even you can't move it, which would simply imply that there would need to be two of you and the two of you combined would be all-powerful], so why do you need us to believe in/worship you? Isn't that kind of biased? It seems to me like your relationship with all of the people who worship and revere you is similar to that of a teacher with suck-up kids. It also seems to me like you letting said religious individuals into Heaven [which may or may not exist... are we seeing a theme here?] when they are intolerant, ignorant assholes who concern themselves with earthly pleasures is parallel to the teacher giving the suck-up kids A's when they don't do their homework.

I think this religion thing of yours is a cop-out. And as for me, I'm going to do my homework. If that means that I fail, then I think that's okay. I decided a long time ago that I don't want to go to Heaven if it means I have to sacrifice my ideals.

Bring on the Damnation.


Your favorite Heretic, Amanda

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