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Thursday, Jun. 24, 2004
12:53 p.m.
<< [
Grades Are an Accurate Reflection of Intelligence. ] >>

Geometry - A
Chemistry - F
Drama 1 - B+
PE - C
English 10 Honors - D
World History - D
Focus - Passing

And they tell me I am brilliant. "You could do it if you tried!" they all scream. "You have so much potential!"

If I can do this, then why did I fail so miserably when I put forth effort?

Let's just face the truth and get it out of the way -- I am a fuck up and you are wrong to have invested anything in me.

I am not even supposed to be online right now. But I never was one for doing what I was supposed to. This is evident in my report card.

Redemption in death, right?

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