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Thursday, Apr. 27, 2006
4:28 p.m.
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Borders ] >>

"Hey, have you heard about this hispanic walk out thing?"

It's dad addressing my mother.

"Yeah, I had heard about that," she says.

"Apparently they're all going to walk out on May first to protest this immigration thing. They're talking about boycotting all American businesses in Mexico until we agree to let them all come in."

"I see."

"So I say fuck 'em, if they're going to boycott American businesses, I'm going to boycott hispanic businesses."

Here's where I turn around.

"Um, why? Just for being hispanic-owned?"

"Well, yeah. If they're going to try to penalize me for being american, then yeah."

"My best friend is hispanic," I tell him.

"Well then I'll boycott him too."

"But it's not all of them."

"If you're going to be a part of a group, then there are certain payments for that."

"Dad, being hispanic isn't really a choice. They're not all protesting; they're not all penalizing you."

"But a lot of them are."

"Hey, what's that saying about an eye for an eye leaving everybody blind? I'm pretty sure there's a saying like that."

"There's plenty of blindness already," dad says.

"You're tellin' me."

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