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Tuesday, Jun. 13, 2006
12:19 a.m.
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Valedictorian ] >>

I have a rose plant and I have named her Anabelle. I hope it is not a dude plant because that would be awkward.

Today the seniors checked out. Meaning it's over. Tomorrow we just have to go practice graduation and Wednesday we graduate.

It took us maybe an hour to finish up at school today, so we just left. None of us wanted to go home, so we sat around for another hour deciding what to do.

"We could go to the beach."
"I don't want to go to the beach, it's too cold."
"We could go to the zoo."
"Hella far."
"I like the beach idea."
"Yeah me too."
"I don't wanna go to the beach."
"We could go eat."
"I don't wanna eat."
"What about hookers?"
"Too expensive."
"This town sucks."

So, an hour of that, mostly, and then we decide we'll go to the beach on Friday and went to eat. Chinese food. I hate chinese food.

We sit near the window and I watch cars and draw boxes while my friends talk and hug.

"So what are you going to do after high school?" asks my best friend. We've actually had this conversation twice now, but it's not important to him, so he doesn't remember.

"The community college thing."
"What? Why?" He's angry. He thinks I'm doing it because of him. Which is maybe part of it, but honestly, it makes the most sense. I can't do Portland right now because I don't have the money. If I do community college, I can save up, raise my grades, and go to a Good Respectable University.

After chinese food we walk to the video game store. They browse games and I sit outside and draw more boxes on myself, coloring them in with sharpie over my scars. The sky's gray and cloudy and if he keeps acting like this, I am not going to miss him at all.

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