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Sunday, Jun. 11, 2006
6:35 a.m.
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A Letter to my Drama Teacher ] >>


This is the third incarnation of this letter so far. Each time I start off talking about my history in drama, and then try to move to why I'm so glad to have been able to learn from you, but, well, screw that. Let's just skip to the part where I talk about how great you are, since that's pretty much the whole point, right?

I've known you for two years now, and my only regret is that I haven't known you longer. This year has yielded some of the best memories of my life thanks to you. Working on Death and God is probably the most obvious of those memories, but there are others, too. I have this memory of sitting across from you in advanced drama, talking about your job, and then how you got here. It's such a small thing to remember, that conversation, but maybe that's why it seems so important now.

I remember when you let me use a real candle on stage; a pretty big investment of faith on your part. I remember talking to you when my friend OD'd, and cutting up the old curtain and chain. I've worn that chain every day since we split it, and it's one of those things I'm going to keep forever. I'm sentimental like that, although you'd probably never guess it.

But I digress. The point is that I've really enjoyed working with you, and being your student and TA. This next bit might be sort of surprising (entirely my fault), but you're probably my favorite teacher, and I have a lot of respect for you. It must not have seemed like it with all the swearing and talking back I did, but it's true.

Thank you for letting me be a part of Death and God, and for letting me be your TA. Thank you for teaching me about theater. Thank you for not treating me like a failure the way so many other people in my life do. Thank you for inspiring me to do better. Mostly, though, thank you for letting me call you Rivertron.


(Most Awesome TA Ever/Woman #2/Anna)

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