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Saturday, Jul. 01, 2006
10:11 p.m.
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Raskolnikov ] >>

My vision is blurring and my neighbors are setting off car alarms. In the distance there are police sirens through my open window. I explain to some boy, some passer by that she's so good for me and that I feel such guilt that things are how they are. Seventeen years old, still cutting. What, three years now? Freshman year, so, one, two, three. Four again next Feburary like fucking clockwork.

In the night I can hear dull thumping. I wonder if it's the neighbors playing basketball, if it's a midnight jogger, if it's rape beside a house. Whatever it is, I want it to stop.

I've been thinking a lot about how nice it would be to fall asleep next to someone. Anyone.

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