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Friday, Jan. 04, 2008
2:00 a.m.
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Ink flows into little pools, bleeding through. I am a certified lifeguard now, trained in saving lives and calling big bad boss man to take over in the case of emergency. First aid? What a joke.

I am also taking a course with the owner of my company (my company!) in becoming a better swim teacher. She gave us instructions, then stopped, and looked at me, me in a class of twenty, and said, "I like you, Amanda."

I smiled and cocked an eyebrow. "Where did that even come from?"

"I don't know," she said, "I just like you."

During class today I taught my peers; one of our assignments. When given criticism later, I was told I'm bold, dynamic, entertaining, friendly without being condescending, energetic.

I'll be working six days a week, now. I start again tomorrow, my students, my children returning after vacation. They're back in school, and me, I'm back in love.

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