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Saturday, Jan. 05, 2008
12:16 a.m.
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Miracle Lane ] >>

I'm learning so much about being a teacher. I have a new student in a class of mine, he's nine and has problems paying attention. Another teacher, when she saw that I had him, said, "Good luck with him. He's a handful."

Attention problems? Such bullshit, such an excuse for a lack of patience. I have attention problems, all it takes is someone willing to give a fuck once in a while. Half an hour and I didn't have a problem with him; give him something to do and he tries to do it. The secret to kids is that they want to be doing something. Everyone wants to be praised.

My mother says that when I was a baby, I was the baby that would crawl up to a group and start a game, a conversation, anything.

I have my Little Rock again tomorrow and I've never been more excited for anything in my life. We're going to start arm strokes, followed by arm strokes and kicking, followed by works of art.

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