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Sunday, Jan. 06, 2008
12:16 a.m.
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Bathing ] >>

There's been a flash flood warning here for the last couple of days, rain and rain and rain and more than a few jokes about arks. God's tears.

I taught again, today, my Little Rock. I am always so tired until I see him behind the window. A coworker said today, "You always perk up when your kids come out, but he's the only one that makes you smile when he's waiting."

There is a part of me that feels angry, upset, abandoned. I don't understand how I can be these two completely different people; this warm and loving motherly figure at work and this spoiled child everywhere else. There has to be a better way to balance.

I keep telling stories where I call him The Best Friend, even though he isn't, really, anymore.

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