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Tuesday, Jun. 10, 2008
12:26 a.m.
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Well? ] >>

Today, a team meeting to discuss Judge's tantrums and how to best approach them. Six of us, two college students, two owners of businesses, all of that fuss over a four year old who still lights up when he hears my name. Three hours. Three hours of solutions and ass kissing later, we maybe kind of have a plan and a way to go from here, and the director of a preschool thinks I'm pretty?

I am afraid to crawl into bed because half a day ago I saw a spider making its getaway into my sheets. I know, rationally, it's gone, but since when is fear rational? Right now I'm thinking something like, what if I didn't look hard enough? What if it's under the next fold and I should look again? What if it's behind the bed, or under the bed?

What if it turned invisible?

Yes, Amanda, what if the spider turned invisible.

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